Page 22 - YB1939
P. 22
Joseph Drugash President Gwendolyn Heemann Vice-President Charles Trader Secretary Marjorie McKenney Treasurer Rebecca Keith Historian Emil Edmond Sergeant-at- Arms It was a dark-robed procession that filed into Alumni Hall-gay and yet serious, tense with excitement and yet dignified in bearing. The class of '39 was about to be graduated. Each face told a different story; each personality had been altered by four years on College Hill. And yet the faces moved together- forward together. They had begun as a different procession in 1935-a slow-moving file of freshmen at the registrar's window. The faces there told stories too: some were happy, others sad; some were confident, others shy. All were tense with a genuine faith in things to come ... but they were slow-moving. The procession moved on as lines of "rats" prayed for rain beneath dormitory windows and as freshman girls chain-danced through the dining hall. The parade Eighteen
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