Page 123 - YB1939
P. 123
Back row: Sherrard, Barker, Kompanek, Ransone, Field. Schaeffer, Klier, Armacost, Beyard, Smith. Front TOW: Lyons, Frey, Foltz, Heeman, Stevenson, Lang, Fitzgerald, Weaver. Gwendolyn Heemann President Kathryn Foltz Secretary Anna Stevenson Treasurer The Argonauts, honor society of Western Maryland College, was formed in 1935 under the leadership of Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf. Taking its name, The Argonauts, from the name of Jason's crew which sailed in the Argos in search of the Golden Fleece, the society symbolizes in its name and insignia "the quest of scholars searching for the Golden Fleece of knowledge." According to the constitution, the society has a three-fold purpose: to pro, mote sound scholarship on the Hill, to recognize those who attain high scholastic standing, and to provide opportunities for fellowship among scholars of the various departments. The Argonauts have entered upon a new policy this year. At the first meeting of the college year 1938,1939, it was decided that the society would meet four times yearly. The first meeting involved business matters, organization, and election of candidates eligible for membership. New members were formally welcomed at the winter meeting, at which Dr. Bertholf spoke to the society on "The Past, Present, and Future of the Argonauts." At the third meeting, Dr. Broadus Mitchell, professor of economics at Hopkins, spoke. The culminating event of the year was the banquet in May when the students who, by faculty action, were to be graduated cum laude or summa cum laude were initiated into fellowship in the society. One hundred nineteen
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