Page 112 - YB1939
P. 112
EDMOND BRYSON FI RST SEMESTER William Bryson President Emil Edmond Vice-President MAJOR Malcolm Kullmar Secretary TRYON M. SHEPHERD Member Honorary Samuel Galbreath Treasurer Charles Wallace Chaplain William McWilliams Ser geani-ai- Arms SECOND SEMESTER Emil Edmond President Charles Cole Vice-President Malcolm Kullmar Secretary Samuel Galbreath Treasurer Harper LeCompte Chaplain William Robinson Ser geanl-at- Arms Each of the fifteen years of the history of Delta Pi Alpha has brought some definite indication of progress, and in this respect 1938-39 was not found lacking. The fraternity began one of the most successful years since its founding in 1925 by winning the coveted intramural touch-football championship; presented one of the most surprising and novel fraternity smokers ever given on the Hill; added some of the finest freshmen of the class to its rolls of membership; held an unusually successful mid-season dance; and closed the year with the annual club banquet at which a copy of the initial volume of the Delta Pi Alpha, the fraternity's year- book, was presented to each member. During the year, the fraternity continued its enthusiastic participation in intramural sports and extra-curricular activities with the result of closer relation- ship among its members and creditable standing in the intramural records. It likewise maintained commendable standards of scholarship as evidenced by the continued possession of the Inter-Fraternity Scholarship Cup given to the fraternity maintaining the highest scholarship record. Though the fraternity lost a group of fine members through graduation this year, its new members are of such a caliber that Delta Pi Alpha can be assured through them and under the guiding and steadying hand of their sponsor, Major Tryon M. Shepherd, of making continued progress and a generous contribution to Western Maryland. One hundred eigh!
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