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RUTH STARR LITTLE JANE ELlZABETH LONG WEST~INSTER, MD. CUMBERLAND, MD. "Rulhie". little in stature as in name . Glistening black hair, "snow-white" devoted to the nursery school. . always plexton. and rose-red lips calm and so" perfect color self-controlled perfectly poised matching handkerchiefs. decisive opinions and decisive statements "going steady". -yel has a temperate outlook life sistently in a happy sincerely always well-stocked with interested in home economics work. plans to put home ec to practical _is engaged, JANET EMMA MacVEAN ROBERT GORDON McKNIGHT CHESTERTOWN. MD. CAMBRIDGE, MD "Black Scotch". blackhaired and stern . . . until the laugh bubbles forth, the Who takes the legs off the dining_room dimple shows, and the eyes soften tables? . upsets parliamentary law at consultant for troublesome grammatical '"Gold Bug" meetings? has a twinkle in conlructions and annoying French trans- his eye, and mischief up his sleeve? lations, Janel is worthy 01all she has gained on the Hill-respect, admiration, Irtend- has a word lor everything? .. hides IIdeep ship, and knowledge. sense 01 responsibility under II care-free exterior? who but "Mac". CLARENCE RlCHARD MAIN HAGERSTOWN, MD. Figuratively and running the gamut of the realm music, "Fuzzy" accompanies the glee club in radio broad- casts, is a soloist in the orchestra. "swings it" Jar Stoner'e dance band, and is a church organist of note he experiments with chemicals for diversion. WILLlAM FRANK MALONE ALLEN, MD. Remarkahle ability in the production 01 sound _his booming debating VOice,his big kettle-drum and his cello, his resound- ing laughter dynamic portrayer of character roles political and economic observer and commentator convincmg salesman of practical Idees his capa- bilities prophesy a successful career in law. Hlty-one
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