Page 151 - YB1938
P. 151
THE R. O. T. C. rifle team completed another successful season under the direction of Sergeant Thomas J. Lavin. While competitive scores in themselves have not been so high as in former years, several worthwhile eccornolishments were achieved during the season. For four hours daily throughout season, the range was under the supervision of an instructor. The improvement in the facilities of the range itself were of such a calibre as to bring favorable comment from all visiting squads. SGT. THOMAS J. LAV1N Thisyear's schedule included shoulder-to-shouldermatches only. Telegraphic Coach matches, which in the past have formed a considerable part of the schedule, have been eliminated this year because of their nominal competitive value. In addition to the shoulder-to-shoulder engagements the team was entered in the William Randolph Hearst competition and in the Third Corps Area Intercollegiate Matches. The of these had not been obtained when the "Aloha" went to press. In the match with the University of Maryland, the Terror riflemen reached their peak. The Old Liners, generally conceded to have one of the outstanding clubs in the east, could average but 2.5 points per position better than the local marksmen. "Charley" Fitzgerald, a transfer student from Western Reserve University, was hiqh-pcint man for the season "Doug" Catington ran him a close second. In addition to these two, several other underclassmen saw plenty of action. Although Coach Lavin was handicapped with one of the smallest squads in years, he uncovered several riflemen who will undoubtedly form an excellent nucleus for next year's campaign.
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