Page 50 - YB1937
P. 50
"Penelope" "Tony's Wife" NELLIE REGINA HOFFMAN MARGARET ELLA HOSHALL A nut brown mau:len XrIOUll eJlpru$lon belled by ml5Ch~"oIOUI of lif_pl'Ki5ion who geu the most out witn brown ~yl:s eOO$C.enlioos IoVl:S to tell wild and effICiency coupled Stof'iI:S tru.ted on t.r own imagination, but fun and rrohc~splend;d "Home-Eeer" parucu- told as if lhey were profound truths dry humor larly ,nle",$IeC. In savory Italian dishet- romantically d~ms of her own veMiionor likes boxing; nates food eommiu«s. SIr Lauroc:elot DELTA SIGMA KAPPA. S.udary 1. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA: J G c, 1111.,· P,uitl.,,1 4: r,,'u.Clu6 Council. P,ultl.,,1 4: cl.u AIAldiu J 4: Chi' 1 Aloha Sid. Spo,1> £Jllo, 4: 1,,1.,elou AIAI./lel 1.1, J. 4: W A A. 1.1.14. Vo/l.J/.'a/l Manalor 4: Home Eunamiu Club I, 1. 1. 4. SU,e/arll 1, Vlol.P,uM.,,1 j, Pm/ 4; Y. W. C. A. I, 1. 1. 4, Co'ind 1 PrulJont 4: Su"Jall Scbol 1.1, J, 4: 'M" Girl 46
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