Page 180 - YB1936
P. 180
ESTERN MARYLAND is proud of the establish- W ment of the honorary speaking fraternity Tau Kappa Alpha, one of the oldest and largest of the honorary fraternities in this country, upon its campus WILLIAM BRATTON Plans were laid for the petition to T. K. A. during the debating season of 1933-4. but all conditions could not be complied with during that year. Under the leadership of Dr. Wills and Coach Rush. in the season of 1934-5, all con- ditions were fulfilled, and late in the spring of 1935 word was received that the charter had been granted to found a chapter of the fraternity at Western Maryland College. The charter was presented to the college by Dr. Herbert Wing. chairman of the Pennsylvania Council of Tau Kappa Alpha, at a banquet attended by the debaters and a number of guests of honor. Dr. Albert Norman Ward, late president of Western Maryland, made the speech of acceptance. The banquet was followed by initiation ceremonies under the direction of Dr. Wing. The charter members of the newly formed chapter were: Dr. George S. Wills, Professor John D. Makosky, William W. Bratton, Thelma M. Chell. Charles R. Daneker. Cynthia E. Hales, F. Kale Mathias, George F. Needham, •• Kenneth M. Plummer, Sally K. Price. Charles E, Read. Idamae T. Riley, Virginia D. Roberts, S. Harold White, and John B. Warman Fronl Row Pro( Willis. Needham. Daneker. Bratton, Plum- mer. Prof. Makosky. Ba<~ Row White. Riley. Price Reb- erts. Warman. 174
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