Page 165 - YB1936
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OFFICERS FRANK WADE Pr.sid.nt JAMES DRAPER Vice_Presid.nt REYNOLDS SIMPSON Sure/ary RALPH GRAHAM Tr.C.UTe, NICHOLAS CAMPOFREDA S.,g.anl-Qt-A'm~ HE Inter-Fraternity Council was formed in 1932 by T the four fraternities of Western Maryland College to promote by their united efforts a better understanding and a higher degree of achievement among them. It functions in the governing of rushing, pledging, and other matters held in common. The council consists of two senior members and one junior member from each club. The officers rotate annually among the clubs. During the past year, the council framed and adopted a new constitution better fitted to meet the changing needs of the growing fraternities. Steps were also taken to provide a means for encouraging higher scholarship among fraternity members. The council also, in conjunction with the r nter- Sorority Council sponsored a renewal of the Pen-Hellenic on May 9. Dance On the whole, the council advanced towards its goal of a •• more friendly and unified spirit among Tau, Western Maryland's Delta Pi Alpha, Gamma four fraternities-Alpha Pi Alpha Alpha, and Gamma Beta Chi 159
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