Page 113 - YB1936
P. 113
Many of us won medals for this, too. Ready on the right! . . ready on the left! ready on the firing line! mark five redisc four! Remember? Up early, a march to the wharf, a ride down the Potomac past Mount Vernon to Fort Belvoir- that was the musketry problem. Remember? Work done for the day . a cold shower cold shave dinner. volleyball baseball a Western Maryland "million dollar outfield". a show . a walk to the "P.X." ice cream and a magazine envelopes and paper scratching pens and mingled voices Remember? Visitors' Day. in camp a parade a swimming meet . baseball game. a dance . a night in Washing- "Pudge lost his hat" .. Remember? Yes! bit by bit they come back to us-those six weeks spent along the Potomac-six weeks of work and play, so closely intermingled that it is dif- ficult now to say which was which. But one thing we can say and say truth- fully: We shall never for- get R. O. T. C. camp at Fort Washington.
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