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Shepherd Gaining National SCQring Tille in MI. St. Mary's Game gains. However, the Catholic University men always braced when in danger and threw back all scoring attempts. The only score of the game occurred when Bruce Ferguson charged thru a hole in the Catholic University line and blocked a punt, the ball rolling behind the end zone for an auto, matic safety. The only points to be scored against Western Maryland al] season were made when the Terrors defeated West Chester State Teachers 35 to [2. The Teachers' splendid play merited the two touchdowns. The Bucknell record of not having been defeated at home for six years was shattered as Western Maryland, playing brilliant football, defeated the Bisons 6 to O. The Terrors completely outplayed Bucknell offensively and did not yield a single first down when on the defense. A blocked kick, recovered behind the Bison goal line, gave Western Maryland the margin of victory. Mount St. Mary's was defeated 26 to 0 in a game that was lacking in thrills. Terror power and playing ability decided the game. After the first half the entire squad was given a chance to play and even then Western Maryland held the decided edge. The Georgetown game was played in a blinding rain, with the Baltimore stadium at its worst. Playing conditions were deplorable and the Terror line was outweighed, so Georgetown was given a slight edge. O~ce again, however, as the under dog, Western Mary[and became a stone wall on the defense and a Juggernaut of power when in action offensively. The outcome, Western Maryland 13, Georgetown O. Again a Harlow team went thru its schedule undefeated. The Terrors slid to a muddy tie against Villanova and finished its season with a muddy victory over Georgetown. It was a great season. "Bill" Shepherd led the nation's scorers with 133 points, and at the same time led his mates to victories over some of the best teams in the East. In spite of the scoring power of the Hartowmen. the Terror defense stood out as its greatest offense. Catholic University, Bucknell and Georgetown totaled only three first downs against the Green Team, two of these being made on passes. Bucknell actually lost yardage against the Terror forward wall. Western Maryland placed five men on each of the All-Maryland selections presented by the Baltimore American and the Baltimore Sun. Shepherd, Gorski, Lipsky and "Bernie" Kaplan were named by both papers. Lucas was named as a tackle on the American selection while "Louie" Kaplan received a tackle position of the Sun team. The Associate Press gave honorable mention to Shepherd and Lucas for All-American honors. "Andy" Kerr of Colgate selected Shepherd as an AII...Eastern back to play in the East-West game in San Francisco and "Bill" was the outstanding man of the game. "Bernie" and "Louie" Kaplan both made most of the Jewish AII...American teams. With such a successful season a thing of the past and most of this year's men lost by graduation, it is difficult to predict what the future will bring, but we feel quite confident that the Terrors will again come out on top. 36
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