Page 30 - YB1935
P. 30
"W E came, we saw, and were conquered." So begins the history of the Class of '38. The commanding air of high school Seniors was soon eliminated by lectures, tests, and "rat rules." We were no longer high school sophisticates-just green college Freshmen. Life fled fast on 'The Hill"-a reception by the faculty. . a Hallowe'en party. a Christmas banquet and dance .... Christmas vacation and back. and the first semester was over! From the first the Freshmen were outstanding in athletics. Basketball and volley ball champ- ionships were won by the girls while the "fresh" boys won distinction on the football field and basketball court. The Frosh debating team made a niche for itself among the various competitive high school teams. Sadness came to us by the loss of one of our members-Paul Wissinger. Because he was a well-known member of our class, his absence from classroom and campus life was keenly noted by the upperclassmen as well as his own classmates. Spring recess-home and back again. The Lantern Chain-our farewell to the Senior Class-one that will long be remembered! Freshman year over-one of which the Class of '38 can well be proud! 26
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