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THE KEYNOTE OF OUR ENDEAVOR T HROUGH the centuries quality has been the keynote of the craftsman's endeavor. As workers in the field of the Graphic Arts we cherish the traditions that have come down t(' us from the printing craftsmen of old. The tools with ~vhich they worked may have been limited, but the ideals that guided their efforts could not be improved. They are the same today. The quest for quality goes on and on. Printing that radiates an atmosphere of quality can never be commonplace-in its appearance or its message. It truthfully reflects the environment from which it emerges and the results it produces, for the author or the advertiser, are in proportion to the printer's vision of his task. THE ROEBUCKMark of Quality, wherever found, identifies the printed matter on which it appears as handiwork in which quality is the object sought and the result achieved. H. G. ROE B U C K & SON 119 WEST MULBERRY STRE ET BALTIMORE MARYLAND • I
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