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ALOIHIA INTRA-MURAL SPORTS "A sport for every man and every man in a sport." One hundred percent participation in scene form, of competitive athletics is an aim that is difficult to achieve. If there are situations on the athletic field that teach such character traits as loyalty, cooperation, sports- manship, it is the duty of this department to make the advantages available to all students. If a certain amount of physical exercise is essential in the proper body function, it is essen. tial that this department inculcate in every student a desire to participate when college days are over. This entails the development of skill beyond the novice class and a love of sports that comes through equal competition under the proper supervision. Participation in this department is voluntary. The skill in the various team games and individual sports are taught in the physical education classes. The intra-mural competition provides a laboratory for application of these skills in game situations. The program is divid- ed into three sport seasons with sufficient variety in each to permit every man to choose the activity he prefers. The list includes: FALL: Touch football, soccer ,speedball; WINTER: Basketball, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, handball, and volleyball; SPRING: Baseball, ten. nis, track, and horseshoes. Competition is arranged among the four fraetrnities, the four classes, and the Y. M. C. A., making nine competing units altogether. Each unit is represented in each event. H. B. Speir, of the Department of Physical Education acts as Intra-Mural Director. One member from each organization is appointed who make up the Intra-Mural Committee. This com. mittee helps to arrange the program and to stimulate interest. ]. R. Jaeger has served as Intra. Mural Student Manager for the past three years, while J. Wilson Nichols has acted as offi. cial Gold Bug reporter and Fred Malkus has aided both Jaeger and Nichols in their work. The major sports are touch football, baseball (indoor) and tennis. Eighty-six percent of the male student body participated in some form of competitive sport during the year. Naturally with the increase in participants, the rivalry became more intense. This was true in respect to touch football, where all teams developed scientific, well- organized team play aggregations. In basketball, too, the representative organizations placed well-balanced quintets on the floor. In both touch football and baske-tball, the champions were forced to their utmost in winning. The final champion in touch football will either be the Black and White fraternity or the Sophomore class, who were the champions in their respective divisions. Likewise, the Bachelor fraternity and the Junior class will fight it out for the final champion in basketbal1. Those intra-mural activities which remained to be played when this resume went to press were: Wrestling, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, baseball, tennis, track, horseshoes and golf. The team that wins the majority of the above will likely be the school champion, as at present all teams are closely grouped in the race for the championship. PAGE ~.1~
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