Page 25 - YB1933
P. 25
Officers of Administration Albert Norman Ward, A.M., D.O .. LL.D.. President William Roberts McDaniel. A.M., Sc.D Yicc'Prcsideni and Treasurer Samuel Biggs Schofield, AM... .... Dean of the CrJllcge Alvey Michael lsanogle. AM .._.... .. __ Dean of the School of Educaiion Lawrence Calvin Little A.M., O,D... Dean of the School of Religious Educalion Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B .. SSE. _ Assislanl Treasurer. Secretary 10 ihe Faculty Anna Houck Isanogle _.._ Regislrar T. K. Harrison, AB... .__ Business Manager Frederic Martin Miller, AM... ..... Dean of Men Fannie May Stover, A.M... . Dean of Women Thelma Rigler Shreiner, A.B. . Assis/anita the Dean of Women Louise Bates Fisher, A.B. Assislant Regtstrar Mamie Grace lsanogle. C.S.N... ... Resideru Nurse Louise Frances Hamrick... .... Dietitian *Margaret Elizabeth MeJlor._ Dietitian Harvey A. Stone . Superintendent of Buildillgs and Grounds "First Semester
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