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24-Presentation of R. O. T. C. sponsors, 25-Glee Club recital May I-W. A, A. election of officers. 2-"Stormy Weather" with a vengeance! 4-Phi Alpha Mu tea for faculty. 5-0rchestra recital in Alumni Hall. 6-Military Ball (with much pomp and ceremony). 10- Tramp Hollow echoes the mirth of the Hliglctz supper-hike. Hcchschild. Kohn fashion show. II-Art exhibit of the work done by Miss Day's classes, in McDaniel Lounge. 12-Mason Sprague gives piano recital. 13-Phi Alpha Mu rush party, 16-W. W. rush party. 20-May Day, "Mary EI" ruling as Queen. 22-R. O. T. C. competitive drill-"Eyes right; Front]" 23-Home Economics tea to the Seniors. 24-"Cascade" has gotten to be a habit. 25-0r. Ward entertains Seniors at dinner. 26-Norment Speech Contest 27-0ean and Mrs, lsanogle entertain Seniors Delt swimming party. 28-Seniors began to visit the old hang-outs for the last time. 29-"Could I sell you any books for next year?" 30-Lantern chain-as lovely as ever, and as significant June I-Everybody celebrates on refunded lab fees. 2-Senior play-The love interest almost eclipses the dear old story of the Pied Piper 3-Alumni dinner, and the Seniors get a glimpse into their future as W. M. C. Alumni 4-Baccalaureate sermon 5-Commencement-and our introduction to the cold, cold world.-"Aloha" all Two Hundr"! Ni,,~
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