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Faculty Albert Norman Ward, A.M., D.O., LL.D. President William Roberts McDaniel, AM.: Sc.D. Vice-President Professor 0/ Mathematics Nannie Camilla Lease, AM. (Emerson College of Oratory) Professor of Speech Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B., SSE. (Johns Hopkins University) Professor of Physics and Geology Samuel Biggs Schofield, AM. (Princeton University) Dean Professor of Chemistry Alvey Michael Isanogle, A.M. (Johns Hopkins University) Dean of the School of Education Professor of Education Maude Gesner (New England Conservatory of Music) Professor of Music George Stockton Wills, A.M. (Harvard University) Professor of English Lloyd Millard Bertholf, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University) Professor of Biology Harold Dean Woolley, Captain Infantry (DOL) Professor of Mililary Science and Tactics Richard Cresson Harlow, M,S. (Pennsylvania State College) Professor of Physical Education Mary Olive Ebaugh, Ed.D. (Johns Hopkins University) Professor of Education Clyde Allen Spicer, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University) Professor of Mathematics Theodore Marshall Whitfield, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University) Professor of Hi!Jiory Lawrence Calvin Little, A.M. (Duke University), D.O. Dean of the School of Religious Education Professor of Religious Education Minnie Marsden Ward, A.M. (Columbia University) Librarian Sixt.en
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