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Varsily Boxing "O!~~~'e~~3~~~a~~,a~:~s~~~r~;1~~~~~i::!hei;:~~~~~sgof~~;~7;u~e~a~~.atG~~~: arion and injuries had taken their toll. and at the first workout "Dick" found that he had only three men who had faced opponents in inter-collegiate matches. Despite this lack of experience the team showed up very creditably against the boxers of Navy, University of Maryland, Loyola, Penn State, and a team composed of fistic champions of former years. The match with Army, originally scheduled for January 21, having been cancelled, the Terrors were given a longer training period. The Navy meet. February 4. found the Green team's line-up composed of four men who were fighting their first fight. Harrison, Calvert, Gorski, and L. Kaplan. The remaining four, Brown, Keyser, Mathias, and B. Kaplan, had experienced few ring encounters the preceding season. The match went to Navy, 5Vr2Vz. Gorski, who initiated his ring career three weeks before, showed up exceedingly well. and procured a draw from the more experienced Midshipman. Mathias and B. Kaplan defeated their opponents in hard fought battles. Because the Maryland match, February 18, was fought under Southern Conference rules, the two Freshmen, Pcntecorvo and Armacost, who were the only entries suf- ficiently well conditioned to enter the ring in their respective classes. the Terror team lost the edge given them and came out with a tie, Mathias, Keyser, Gorski, and Kaplan winning their bouts. The Terror boxers won easily from the Loyola mittmen by a 5Vz-2Vz score. Brown and Ponrecorvo won by knockouts. Pontecorvo. a fresh. made a triumphal entry into inter-collegiate boxing by gaining a technical knockout over Cullen in two rounds. With the cooperation of six former Western Maryland stars, "Dick" made up a card for March 4, to fill the three-week lay-off the team had between the Loyola and the Penn State fights. Among the All-Stars appeared "Don" Woolley, "Doug" Crosby, "Rip" Engle, George Ekaitis, "Ted" Klepac. and Norman Barnett. Ekaitis. Crosby, and Klepac were E. I. B. A. Champions during their college careers. The varsity made a remarkable showing against this chosen team, although the Ex's held them to a 3-3 draw. The season was climaxed by the defeat of Penn State 5-3 in the Westminster Armory Brown. Keyser, Gorski, and B. Kaplan won, and the heavyweight bout was forfeited because of the illness of the candidate from Penn State. The Inter-Collegiate matches, held at Penn State, netted the Terror mittrnen one E. I. B. A. champion and two second places, and a tie for second place with Army in the match. which was won by the University of Syracuse. Captain Bernie Kaplan earned his title of champion by decisively defeating the outstanding representatives of five colleges in the 175 pound class. Gorski lost a close bout to the competitors from Syracuse in the finals of the middle weight class. The heavyweight finals were a grand climax to the evening. "Tom" Pontecorvo, although injured. staged a remarkable fight against Vavra of Syracuse, but lost because of the advantage gained by his opponent in the first two rounds. Graduation will take only one man, Brown, from this year's squad: so the hopes for next year are very high. It looks as if the titles in the heavier divisions are cinched, and there were more than a few bantams out trying for places this year
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