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Robinson. Helen Louise Cardiff, Md. Rogers. Gertrude Irene Kensington. Md. Rohrer. Mddred Elizabeth Boonsooro.Md Rose. Catherine ..... . Nonh East. Md Routzahn. Margaret Elizabeth. MountAiry.Md Schmidt. Eleanor louise Randallstown. Md. Shipley. Jessie Irene Westminster. Md. Smith. Ada Rebecca Cecilton. Md. Snader. Reba Elizabeth. Union Bridge. Md Snowden. Margaret Lee . Delmar. Del Sprague. Charlotte Ann Parksley. Va Sulliyan. Mildred Rebecca.. .. Westminster. Md. Thomson. Dorothy Adelaide .Westminster.Md. Twigg. Jane McCollum_ Hampstead.Md Wachter. Dorothy Elizabeth .... Frederick. Md. Watson. Elton Dale Hancock. Md. - Weber. Jeanne Eisilie Roselle Park. N.J. White. Mary Darnell ... Poolesville. Md. Willis. Maudre Elizabeth .. Baltimore.Md Wine. Elizabeth Harvey Denlon.Md Wooden. Mary Elizabeth Reisterstown. Md History of the Class of '35 W~;:;n~~e;:A:~t~e:~~o~~~~~~eEh~~~~~ °ac~~p~:;:~~~e:.o~~~n:n~r:::e~~ Strange to say, we have never been able to count the number; for, however you count them. there are always two Moore We entered our Freshman year with "fear and trembling." yet enthusiastic for what was to come. It wasn't long in coming, for Rat Rules started it off'with a bang. Soon every organization on "The Hill" was enlarged by some of the "green Freebies," and while most of us were only average, some have proven themselves outstanding members So, with the assistance of advisors, big sisters, and our own sense of humor, we weathered the storms of our Freshman year. Sophomores! Sophomores! It was the voice of the Class of '35 raised in exultation. We came back fewer in numbers. but with the same enthusiasm and determination to rank athletically, intellectually, and socially with the Sophomores of other years. We have done our best. and who will say our presence has not been felt? There are some things in our first two years which we shall never forget. The lantern chain of '32 was very impressive with W. M. C. blazing on the side of the "bowl;" everyone enjoyed the Sophomore Hallowe'en party, at which "Luke," "Terp." and Kaddy gave us their impressions of what the well-dressed girl should wear. Yes, in spite of the "Comprehensives" hanging over us. we have had a good time. And so, with faith in our ability, courage to uphold our standards, and hope that we may maintain the ideals of W. M. C., we look forward to the coming years, which will bring us an even greater appreciation of our Alma Mater! On. Hum/rod Scoenl~en
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