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SMITH and Surplus and Profits. .__....$450.000 50,000 Cepltal., REIFSNIDER Incorporated 1869 The Westminster Savings Lumber Bank Building Material Westminster, Md. and Coal Stands first in Maryland on Roll of Honor with Capital of $50,000 F. Tnosrxs BABVLON President MILTON P. MYERS Vice-President Ou.vna 11'1.CROUSE Treasurer Westminster, Maryland We Pay 4% on Time Deposits On Pleasure or. Business Makers of the Western Maryland College R. O. T. C. Uniforms Travel by Bus A. Jacobs & Sons Our Modern Comfortable Buses Operated by Responsible and Tailors Courteous Drivers will Make Your Trip a Pleasure Simon Ackerman Clothes Ready to Wear Blue Ridge Buses provide transporta_ non service to Baltimore, Frederick, Hagerstown, Cumberland, Winchesre-, Martinsburg, Uniforms and burgh. Gettysburg and Pitts- Equipment Buses for special trips anywhere 128 W. Fayette Street BLUE RIDGE TRANSPORTATION CO. BALTIMORE, MD .. HAGERSTOWN, MD.
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