Page 191 - YB1931
P. 191
Alpha Gamma Tau Founded at Western Mnrvlnnrl in 19~J First Semester Second S(lIIester PAUL L. BATES... ...... Alplw... . P,IUL BATES GEORGE L. EKAITIS. . ...Alplla-A/pllfl... .GEORGE L. EKA1"I"I$ HOW.~RIl A. BOI-TON . Ct/J//lf/fl. . H. L. L.4WRF.NCF. H. L. L.~WRf:NCE Tall HOII'ARD A. BOI.TON FI.OI·o N. DOUGHTI' ... Chap/aill .. · W. TAYLOR A. CHARLF.S \Vf:NTLAND'1 SergeaJ/t_at_Arllls ........... ,10SF:I'H TI~IMONS MEMBERS Class of Nineteen TI,irl),-Olic Paul L. Harry L. Lawerence George L. N. Ames Pennewell George H. Usinger Class of Nilletcell Thiny-Tsoa Howard A. Bolton Carl S. Jones Henry Caple NeilO. Woollev Floyd N. Doughty WinstenE. \Viilc!' Ciass of Nilleteell TJ,irty_Tln-ec jean Crowrher R. Patterson Harold \V. Kopp G. Hopler A.CharlesWentiandt M.Hall Harold H. Chandler D. Tarim' CItIJS 0/ Nil/clcw Thirly_Fom Joseph F. jnmes \,V. Dunn Cameron Francis L. Cross Edward W. Henry B. Kimmey 1931~ page one hllildredeighl-y-sevell
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