Page 116 - YB1931
P. 116
It:, ALOHA ~ PROPHEcy-Continued tr'- In her new play 'Stunning said she, Dresses;' I shall go to Baltimore," I To play in the Little Theatre, Lady, by the Governor's Evelyn Collison. Whilel'm there I shall visit With friend Mildred Cutler, at Johns Hopkins. And did you know, went 011 friend Helen, "'Peg Hamilton' will also be there, Lecturing on ludinn Culture, Culture of the American Indian. Lived she long with the brave Redskin, Learning all theif songs and customs." Then they left the Theatre stage door, Stage door of the Thespian Palace. And they bought from off a news stand, Bought a "Times" from off a newstand, Found the editor's name familiar; Familiar was the name of Paul Bates, Editor of the greatest p,lper in the whole of New York City, Reading in this famous paper, Saw they then 11 face familiar, Face that looked like Catherine Hobby. Though the name was unfamiliar, They knew it was their class-mate Hobby; A line party was she giving For her school friend, Eleanor Babylon, Famous for her many travels Into foreign places. Read a man would sing there, Famous baritone from Maryland, Accompanied by his dear wife, Mildred, Who was pictured with her hostess, And they recognized their old friend Milly, Milly Raum their college class-mate. On the front page of the paper Did they see a big announcement, Announcement from the world of science, And the picture of a great man, Who had found the fifth dimension, page one hundred twelve ~1931
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