Page 245 - YB1930
P. 245
The Poets' Club Founded at WeSUrn l\'laryland College in 1924 by Dr. Hm-tlct.r Burleigh James and Dr. Herbert Taylor Stephens President Vice-President. TIIO)IAS EDW,IRD CIWVE, '30 J. \VESLEV DAY, ':c\1 TrcaSlirer DENNIS '30 C!..A~A FRANCES \VAR!J. '30 ACTIVE MEi'vlBERS Miriam Dryden Carpenter J. Wesley Day Reese )\'1. Dennis 1'1'1. Virginia Weeks Mary E. Friend Thomas E. Grove John R. Hickel Yoshio [to Margaret D. Leonard George E. i\'[cGow
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