Page 219 - YB1930
P. 219
The Jesters Sponsored by the College Y. M. C. A. 1930 Tour MANAGERIAL STAFF PLAYERS Green and Gold Glee Club First Tel/or Second Tenor First Bass SeCOlld Bass Albrecht,]. J., '33 Belote, 17.A., 'Jo Bell, W. V., 'jo Ceorgc.}. E., '3.1 Mather, T. \V., '3'2 Hoff,S. I., '32 Lyons, K. W., 'JI Watkins,]. L., '30 McGow,ln, G. E., '31 Borchers, C. M., '33 Weisbeck, G. J., 'jc Rein, W. c., '31 Accompanist, Sprague, S. M., '33 Green and Gold Players ClarenceT. DeHaven, '30 \".'ilmerV. Bell, '30 George E. McGowan, '.11 Gordon J. Weisbeck, 'Jo Joseph). Albrecht, '33 WilliamC.Rein,'JI S. Mason Sprague, '33 A. Charles Wentlandr, '33 Stanford I. Hoff, ',12 SOLOISTS ClarenceT. DeHaven, '30 George E. McGowan, 'JI T. \Villi:l1n Mather, ']'2 SPECI.'\L ACTS Harry O. Smith, '30 Gordon J. Weisbeck, '30 William C. Rein, '31 Joseph J. Albrecht, '33 Thaddeus B_ Klepucz., '31 Woodward P. Taylor, '33 George C. Baumgartner, '30 Albert M. Reed, '30 George E. McGowan, '31 Lloyd M Eldcrdice, '33 Clarence T DeHaven, '30 T. Willi~m Mnther, '3'1 ITINERARY 3' , .Berlin, Md. Del. April II _ Baltimore, l\'ld . .Seaford, z ..Salisbury, Md April a r '1'1 . .. Westminster, Md . April .\Vestminsrer, Md . 3ยทยท _.Cambridge, Md. May '1 ..Union Bridge, Md. ._Sudlersville, Md. May 6.... ...... Baltimore, Md .