Page 165 - YB1930
P. 165
H;story of the Class of '31 short years ago a new group of Freshmen made their debut at Western Maryland College. They were fresh from high school, green, it is true, but of a dauntless spirit. Now they are Juniors, having gained ill experience, but not lost in spirit. The class of 1931 ha~ not been long,upon "The ,Hill" beror~ its qualifies were discovered by vnrtous organiz,Jtlons. The literary societies sought addition to their memberships. Musicians and singers have appeared in concerts. The Jesters have drawn heavily upon this class for talent. Athletic teams have come to depend more and mere upon members of the class of '31. Some of the bulwarks of the undefeated football team were Juniors. Two of these were selected on the All-Maryland team, one of them was designated best bet. No other class has contributed to the boxing team in the last three years as this one has. Two Eastern Intercollegiate champions belong to the class of '31. In intramural athletics it was first "Watch the Freshmen," then "Watch the Sophomores," and now is '"Watch the Juniors." But all the nehlenc honors must not be rendered to the boys. The co-eds have done their share toward the success of athletic teams, extramural or intramural. With the of opportunity the class of '31 has broadened its activit~es. Each new re~ponsibdity has been met. Before us is OUT Senior year and then Life. 1t is our hope that we may meet these new responsibilities and meet them well. Pf1f.€ on€ hUlldred sixty
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