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"Koontzie" rBX History WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Westminster High School Irving Literary Society; Officers Club; First Lieutenant, R. O. T. C.; Manager Jesters 3; Rifle Team 4. ROM Westminster High hails our boy friend, ebullient with pep and characteristic Carroll County vigor. It was with almost savage earnestness that he tackled his work. The way of all flesh called, however, and he soon became just one of the boys. Many have envied" Koontzie," the big car in which he dashes hither and yon, but nobody ever blamed him for not being a true sport, whether walking or riding. The spirit which he carried intact throughout this entire scholastic career has proved to us that Howard will be a big man someday. When no longer we shall hear his foot falls in Lewis Hall we shall still hear reverberating in our ears those nonchalant reports of our R. O. T. C. Intelligence Officer. Our benediction to you "Koontzie." page eighty-five
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