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" Charlie" fIAA Chemistry and Biology BERLIN, MARYLAND Buckingham High School Webster Literary Society; Science Club; Varsity Club; Rifle Team 2; Second Lieutenant, R. O. T. C.; Soccer 2,3,4. N this small space we cannot do credit to "Charlie's" buoyancy, his light-heartedness, and his friendliness. Of a tough, wiry physical build, "Charlie" has made his presence felt as a distinct asset to Western Maryland. It isn't everybody who can be hail-fellow-well-met and still possess keenness and a capacity for serious work. "Charlie" has made for himself a firm place in the hearts of his classmates by his friendliness, good nature, and readiness to give aid. On the soccer field he has done more, perhaps, than anyone else to build up the splendid record Western Maryland has in that sport. In the days when" Charlie" will be Dr. Holland, perhaps his happy-go-lucky nature will have disappeared, but we will know that underneath the exterior he is still the same-the best of friends. page seventy-three
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