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JAMES ROBY DAY Roby LlilA English and Mathematics INWOOD, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK Lawrence High School Irving Literary Society, President 4: Y. M. C. A., Cabinet 2, 3, President 4; Science Club; Reporter Gold Bug 4; Sunday School Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Jester 2, 3; Boxing Squad 4. OBY'S life on College Hill has been one of greatest success. In the four years that we have known him he has developed an outstanding character. The call of Duty has played a most important part in Roby's life, and his conscientiousness in this respect has made for him many everlasting friendships. He realized that there is a time for work and a time for play, and he never confused the two. At the same time no one ever cared more for clean, wholesome fun. Not only in his scholastic requirements has Roby been prominent, but also in extra-curricular activities. In his" Y" work he has made a success, and we hope that it is just a starter for his greater work to come, We know that he will always do his best, and that that best will be enough to bring him the greatest reward. Roby, to you we wish the success you deserve, for that will be much. page fifty-three
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