Page 158 - YB1929_Classical
P. 158
HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF '31 E history of the Class of '31 begins in September 1927. Freshman Week was soon over and Sophomore domination began. For the girls this was a short affair, but the boys rules remained in duration until the Freshman- Sophomore football game removed all but the traditional rules. This year the shoe was on the other foot and we had to lord it over the Freshmen. This was done in a most effective manner by both boys and girls. The rules were partially lifted after the inter-class football game was lost to a much heavier freshman team after a hard fight. An innovation this year was a new form of color rush which was a great improvemen over the old. In athletics the Sophomores have played their part well. The football players lived up to the reputation earned when they were Freshmen; three Sophomores were first string men and ten were on the varsity squad. Boxing, however, is the favorite sport of our class. The history of the boxing team is almost a history of its Sophomore members. Three of the Class were on the 1928 team, and five are on the team this year. Two Sophomore members of the team were crowned 1929 inter-collegiate cham- pions. Sophomore atheletes have also contributed to the success of the soccer, basket- ball and baseball teams. The co-eds as well as the boys have earned athletic honors. The girls' varsity basketball team has been aided by members of our class. In addition to aiding the varsity teams to success, the sophomores have had great success in intramural athletics. In field ball, hockey, and inter-class basketball, our girls have proven themselves the equal or superior to anything the other classes had to offer. This year the boys' basketball team tied for the lead in the inter-class league. All of our achievements, however, have not been in things athletic. Members of the class have taken part in dramatics, not only as actors, hut also as playwrights. The musicians and singers have taken part in local recitals. The Jesters have drawn heavily upon Sophomore talent. Several members of the Gold Bug staff have been drawn from members of our class. Our class has taken part in every public display that has taken place since we have been on the Hill. The May Day celebration last year would not have been the success it was without the aid of the Sophomore girls. Another success of the girls' was the traditional lantern chain procession which took place near the end of the Freshman year. This history would not be complete without mention of the party given by the Sophomores at Hallowe 'en, which was a great success of colorful decora- tions and gay entertainment. The preceding is but a brief sketch of the doings of our class in its two years at Western Maryland. We look with pride upon our achievements, but we like to think of them not merely as achievements, but as a foretaste of what we will do for the glory of our Alma Mater in the future. page one hundred fifty-two
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