Page 121 - YB1929_Classical
P. 121
"Admiral" rBX History and English BEL ALTON, MARYLAND McDonough Institute Honorable Mention 1,2; Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; First Lieutenant R. O. T. c.; Reporter Gold Bug 1, 2; Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity, President 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Rifle Team 1, 2,3, 4, Manager 4. UR "Admiral" hails from Southern Maryland, and is a worthy product of that justly famed section of the country. If his keen intelligence, unbounding good humor, and ready generosity are charac- teristic of the inhabitants of Southern Maryland, then indeed must life there be delightful. Scholastically speaking, he ranks among the leaders, as his honorable mentions show. The esteem in which he is held by his fellow students is shown by his popularity, and by the fact that he was elected president of his fraternity this year. It must be admitted, however, that among other characteristics he possesses a slight tendency towards procrastination, and an equally slight, but tolerant, antipathy towards co-eds. page one hundred fifteen
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