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MILK IN THE COCOANUT She: "I bear that your old aunt has a will of her own." He (tired of waiting): "I know she has. 1 only wish she'd give us a chance to probate it." Farmer: "Hi. there! What arc you doing up in my cherry tree?" Willie: . Dere's a notice down dere to keep off de grass." Angry Customer (tossing a package on the counter): "Makes washing a pleasure. does it~ Does the washing while you wait. does it? It's the little Bakes of soap that-" Grocer: 'Madam. one moment. please. This is not soap." "Not soap? Not soap?" "No. your daughter asked for a half-pound of grated cheese and a half- pound of soap flakes. This is the cheese." "My stars! And last night [ made a pudding!" BELIEVE IT OR NOT The conductor on J southbound local was passing through the car when he happened to notice an elderly Scotsman and a young Scorch lad. The old man was holding a watch in his hand and was watching it with intense interest. Suddenly he seemed satisfied and looked up. Seeing the conductor. he beckoned to him to come over. "What is it?" asked the conductor. "1 want to pay the rest of my grandson's fare." replied the Highlander. He has just become twelve years old." "So from Lapland, eh i Is it cold up there?" Say boy, it's so cold there that "Go to hell" is considered a com- pliment. "Zces American football game res wel l named." 'Ees it it so?" "Oui. First ze team kccks. zen ze u m pire keeks. and zen ze whole crowd DRY GOODS He: 'And who made the first cotton gin i" Young Thing' "Heavens! Are they making it from that, too?" 1st Student: "Books are our best friends." 2nd Student: "They sure are-in a test." ~',"O ll""dc.d Twe ...tu-fQur
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