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ALBERT NORMAN WARD. A.M .. D.o .. LLD .. President. THOMAS HAMIL TON LEWIS. 0.0 .. LLD .. President Emerirus. WILLIAM ROBERTS McDANIEL, A.M., Sc.D .. Vice"Presidenl and Pro- fessor of Mcthematics. FERDINAND BONNOTTE, PHD. (Johns Hopkins Unive rsirv}. Officer of the French Academy. Proteeeor of Modern Languages. NANNIE CAMILLA LEASE, A.M .. (Emerson School of Oratory), Pro- fessor of Speech. WALTER BOWMAN YOUNT. A.M .. (Illinois Wesleyan University), LL.D .. Professor of Latin and Grech. CARL LA WYER SCHAEFFER. A,B .. 8,S.E .. (Johns Hopkins University), Professor of Physics and Geology SAMUEL BIGGS SCHOFIELD A.M .. (Princeton University), Professor of Chemislry ALVEY MICHAEL TSANOGLE. A.M .. (Johns Hopkins University). Pro- fessor of Educaucn. HERBERT TAYLOR STEPHENS. A.M., (Harvard University). D.D .. Professor of Philosophy and Biblical Literature. -BERTHA IRENE HART. A.M., (Cornell University). Associate Professor of Mcuhemasics ROWENA MOORE HOLDREN. B.S.. (Drexel Instirute) , Professor of Home Economics. GEORGE STOCKTON WILLS, A.M., (Harvard University}. Professor of English. WILLIAM BURTON SANDERS. A.M., (University of Colorado), Pro- fessor of Social Science.
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