Page 139 - YB1928
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HE CLASS OF '31 began writing its history on September 13,1927. but that supposedly unlucky date certainly marked a very happy be- ginning Freshman Week with its receptions. suppers. and teas gave us a feeling of welcome that even "Rat Rules" could not mar The sophomores were learned quickly. Though for six we had "owned" the college. the scphs soon taught us the gentle act of co-operation. The girls' rules were lifted after three weeks of bowing and twirling, but the boys' rules were con- tinued much longer On December the first, however. the football team partly relieved its classmates by defeating the sophomores 24-0. The beginning of the one-year rule brought to our class many fine foot- ball players, so that the "Baby Terrors" presented a very formidable line-up. They will certainly provide invaluable material for the varsity next year. With Ed Brown and Doug Crosby cheering our teams, almost all of them have been very successful. Freshmen have been very active participants in all sports on rh ; Hill. In basketball. soccer and baseball our men have always been promi- nent. The Freshmen have been especially prominent in boxing. Ekairis especially, won renown by defeating rhe South Atlantic champion in a bout at the Armory. The coeds. however. are not letting the boys carry away all the honors. The freshmen girls first won the interclass field ball and volley ball champion- ships. Our basketball team defeated the Junior and Senior teams besides con- tributing several valuable players to the varsity squad. We are taking a very' active part in athletics, but we are also engaging in all extra curricular activities. The Jesters would undoubtedly have missed our "ladies" Rein, Lyons, and McGowan Besides this, that famous team. Bush and Boroski made a decided hit with their crazy songs. Several other boys displayed their talents as musicians or as actors. Only one accident has marred our happy history, but we are all hoping rhar Joe Mills will soon be back on the Hill again. The Class of '31 has begun its history with rnuny victories. We are all hoping that the rest of its career will be even more successful. so that we may bring added bonor to Western Maryland.
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