Page 124 - YB1928
P. 124
HE CLASS OF ยท'29 will go down in the annals of Western Maryland College as the class of new traditions. Its reputation began to grow as soon as its members first arrived on the Hill. Freshman Week, an entirely new experiment in the history of the college, was first tried out on the Class of '29 Since then the class has been the center of new and progressive experiments and ideas Being Freshmen was a humiliating task. especially for tbe boys. The girls, too. shared in the "paddling. for the Class of '29 was the first class in the history of the college whose girls suffered under Soph administration. But intelligence tests, "rat" rules, and other trials were soon forgotten in the general good time provided by the Junior picnic The girls of '29 established a new tradition, the lantern chain. at the end of their Freshman year. Carrying lighted lanterns, singing farewell songs to the Seniors, they introduced a custom which will be followed by all their Fresh- The "Soph" year was a huge success The Class of '29, like all its predecessors, gave a Hallowe'en party: but this party was a masque. the first one ever given on the Hill. Carrying on the splendid work of the Class of '28, the Class of '29 continued the publication of the student-faculty directory. The Class of '29 has made a splendid record for itself in the field of ath- letics. Both boys and girls won the class basketball championships during the Freshman and Sophomore years, The boys of the class also won the Fresh- man-Sophomore football game for both years, The Junior was not such a success athletically speaking, but the teams did very At the end of the Sophomore year the Class of '29 took the first compre- hensive examinations [0 be given on the Hill. The class also originated the tree-planting ceremony at this time. A young evergreen tree was planted in from of McDaniel Hall in honor of the Class of '27. Now, at the end of irs Junior year, the Class of '29 bas become a very vital part of the life on College Hill. From its members all of next year's leaders will be chosen. The Class of '29, with a praiseworthy record behind it. is ready to embark upon its Senior year and do all in its power to aid and de- velop its Alma Mater. O"e J/ulldrod Eiglt!M"
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