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EMILY JONES P1CKETT Emily Mathematics-Science Mount Airy, Maryland Mount Airy High School '27: Si~tcrs' Club; Biology Club '26. "For goad hal! 110t in pursuing, gailling of great nor of small, Bm ill the doillg, and doing A5 we would be done by, is all." HO could have known that the quiet, C1USi\.,eE,nily of iour years '.lgO II W would be the jolly, fun-loving g1rl we now know? Truly, she has changed beyond measure under the broadening influence of college life "Its not what she says, it's the way she says it" that makes us laugh. A bit of humor here and there, with a little laugh in between, does make a difference, But Emily's life is not all fun, she is often very seriously in deep thought, and 1110reoften than that, she is helping someone who needs assistance. Now, here's a secret! Emily is in love-with cooking! No one can broach that subject in her without hearing "Oh, I just love to cook!" She has already proved to can bake delicious cake, and therefore we fed safe III supporting any forth, Basketball is her other in which she has she was a valuable asset to the team during the senior year There is still another, richer, side to Emily's life-the spiritual No girl could be more devout and try harder to apply the Colden Rule than she, Her open-mindedncss has led many others to see things as they had not seen them before; her influence has helped more than one during her years here. We predict a happy future for you, Emily, one rich in love and service, page S~lIellty-selien THE.eLQHf) J92,7
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