Page 276 - YB1926_Classical
P. 276
When ln need of anything, in THE H. E. KOONTZ CREAMERY Hardware Pasturized Milk and Cream Butter and Ice give us a call. We carry large and complete stocks LIBERTY AND GREEN STREETS Builders and General Hard- ware, Paints, Varnishes, Westminster, Md: Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges. We would also be pleased to furnish estimates on Steam, Vapor and Hot Water Heat- ing, also Plumbing and Compliments of Tinning. F. A. SHARRER & SON D. S. GEHR J. FRANCIS REESE, '13, Proprietor WESTM INSTER MARYLAND Established 1866 COMFORTABLE SAFE DEPENDABLE RIDE CONAWAY'S BUSSES = over = The Short Route to Baltimore DE LUXE MOTOR COACHES SAFETY SCHEDULES LOW RATES Between EMMITSBURG, TANEYTOWN, WESTMINSTER and BAl.TIMORE-v;a REISTERSTOWN Time T"b/rs fit nil Pllblic Ptoses SPECIAL BUSSF.S AND CARS FOR SPEClAL OCCASIONS CONAWAY MOTOR COMPANY WESTMINSTER, MD. Phones 267 or 173
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