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Englar & Sponseller "Say it with Flowers" FLOUR MAKERS STEWART N. DUTTERER and FEED DEALERS Florist Westminster Maryland FOR THE BEST Shoes, Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings Himler's Wish Visit "THE ALOHA" J. THOMAS ANDERS Much Success Walkover Shoes Dorothy Dodd Shoes 22 WEST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER MARYLAND Compliments of CASSELL'S DRUG STORE Tri II Thurmont, Maryland JOHN D. BOWERS STONESIFER'S Fancy and Staple Everything In GROCERIES LADIES' WEAR SODA WATER, ICE CREAM CONFECTIONERIES and CAKES Dry Goods, Notions Victrolas, Radios 47 East Mai.n Street and WESTMINSTER MARYLAND String Instruments
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