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FACULTy-Conf.i.Il'lted GEORGE STOCKTON \VILLS Ph.B., Ph.M., University of North Carolina: A.M., Harvard University; Head Department of English. DEAN \iVHlTE HENDRICKSON [J A.M., University of Virginia; Associate Professor of English. o IN"A LOUISE SL,\UGHENHAUI'T A.B., Western Maryland College; Assistant Professor of English and German, FERDIN"AND IJO''i"WTTE Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Head Department of Modern Languages. LUCILE NE\V~lAN SANDERS A.M., University of Colorado: Associate Professor of Modern Languages. MARGARET JULlA SNADER Instructor in French. CARL LAWYER SCHAEFFER B.S.E., Johns Hopkins University; Professor of Physics and Geology. JA~lES BYRNE RANCK A.M., Harvard University; Head of Department of History and Political Science. WILLIAM BURTON" SANDERS A.M., Western Maryland College; Associate Professor of History. ROWENA MOORE HOLDREN B.S., Drexel Institute; Head of Department of Home Economics. ALlCE ROGERS PARKER B.S., Cornell University; Associate Professor of Home Economics. BEIHHA IRENE HART A.B., Western Maryland College; Associate Professor of Mathematics. GUY Z. UPDIKE A.M .. Columbia University; Associate Professor of Mathematics. HAROLD D. WOOLEY Captain Infantry, D.O.L.; Professor of Military Science and Tactics.
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