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HIstory of the (lass of '29 o U I did. not realize hundred it was destined strong, to be a class of several on the Hill, it [J o o its seh-concious HENthe Class of '29 made appearance new tradi- that little it descended One upon and fifty staid tions. as green, West.minster and yet as promising, as any class of former years. Freshman Week. an entirely new experiment on the Hill, was tried out on the Class of '29 with great success. The first week of the school year was devoted to the freshmen alone; a series of lectures and socials intro- duced the members of the class to the College and to each other. The shock of the entrance examinations was quite eliminated by the wonderful entertain- ments the faculty and upper-classmen provided. The class of '29 extends its heartiest thanks to those whose kindness made Freshman Week a possibility and a success. The Class of '29 is the first of Western Maryland College whose girls have suffered under Soph administration. To the boys this is an old hardship, but to the girls it is a new tradition. Not until the present freshman class appeared on the Hill did girls don green bows, courrsy to Sophs, wear" pnssey-cat" bows to games, ~nd smart under the padcl at punishment meetings. The Class of '29 has some staunch friends in the Juniors, who gave its members a wonderful picnic at the beginning of the year; The trials of being freshmen were quite forgotten in the hilarity of a general good time. The freshman-Sophomore football game took place in the rain and mud of autumn and resulted in a glorious victory for the freshmen. Connected with it was the startling Harold Lamb incident in which one of the class members outdid Harold Lloyd himself in carrying the freshmen to triumph. The fall routine was broken by a great event, the Sophomore Hallowe'en Party, where the freshmen boys were called upon to furnish the entertainment. The Class of '29 proved its efficiency in basket-ball when both the boys' and girls' teams gained victories from the Sophomores. The completion of the endowment fund took place during the first college year of the Class of '29, and its members are glad that they will be able to share in some of the benefits that will result. The Class of '29 has learned during the past year to love its Alma Mater dearly. Wester-n Maryland College has proved to be a valuable teacher and a true friend, and the members of the class will always hold her dear in their hearts and memories.
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