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History of the (lass of' 28 N September 17, ]924, the fifty-eighth Freshman Class registered in VI/estern Maryland College. An ambitious group we were, with thoughts of great accomplishments, but the Sophs dampened our ardor, for the boys at least, that same evening, when they formally welcomed us to the Hill. Not many days passed before, Oll the boy's side, we had our Freshman Regulations, and life went along in -its regular routine, punctuated somewhat by "paddling parties." The Hallowe'en Party given by the Class of '27 gave us an opportunity to display our various talents, much to the amusement of the audience. However, our first chance for revenge 011 the Sophs came in the annual Sophomore- Freshman Football Classic and we made good use of it, trouncing them by a six to nothing score. A week later we were rewarded by having some of our rules lifted. In basket-ball we were again successful, winning the championship of the College, but the "Brutes" from the University defeated us for the champion- ship of the Hill. The girls' ream was also successful, ending the season near the top of the ladder. Not only in athletics did we shine. We boasted one of our number College Debating Team, and another one of our classmates qualified as lege philosopher." This year, however, he has taken his philosophy to fields. l n the spring our baseball team was organized but we will not say anything about it for it was not so successful When the College opened this year, we blossomed forth into Sophomores and lost no time in putting the Freshmen through their paces. The Sopho- more girls even imposed rules on the freshman girls, a thing unprecedented in the history of Western Maryland. On October 7th, we met and elected our class officers for the year. Mr. Denver Young, President; Miss Mildred Carnes, Vice-President; Miss Ruth French, Secretary: Mr. Charles Summers, Treasurer; Miss Dorothy Gilligan, Prophetess; and Mr. Harold Cotton, Historian, were chosen. On October Stsc. we put on our dignity, as became Sophomores, and acted as hosts and hostesses to the college at the Hallowe'en Party. Tt was ac- claimed a great success by everyone, and thus the Class of '28 began to shine in the social world as well as in the athletic and academic. As a class we have contributed several things to the college which we considered truly wcrrhwhile. This year we have founded a new publication, a Student-Faculty Directory, which has proved to be a very useful little book. Also in co-operation with the Freshman Class and the faculty we have succeeded in getting a standard ring for the college, thus adding prestige to the name of Western Maryland. Although our ranks were somewhat depleted we made a good showing f01 ourselves in the football game. only losing seven to six. Owing to almost an entirely new team, our basket-ball accomplishments were not so good, but the record of the girls' team will compensate for that. III all we have had two very successful years and we expect to carry the same ambitious spirit into our Junior and Senior years that we have exhibited as "Iresnies" and "Scphs."
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