Page 114 - YB1926_Classical
P. 114
o ~ FRANCIS WTLLARD 'vVALTER " Philosopher" o History Ii ELKTON, MARYLAND Elkton High School Irving Literary Society; Lion Tamers Club; Y. M. C. A.; Rifle Team, '23, '24. None but himseU could be his parallel. I years through and unpretentious Maryland seas, and ne'er has he veered the us for four HISsedate lad has been with calm and tempestuous the prize. He was first in studies, first in wit, forgot and ne'er course and first in the hearts of his fellow students. , Walter belonged to that self-selective group which is anti-military and anti-parlor; however, we would not say that he bears animosity towards the fairer sex. In athletics he has the greatest interest. He can tell you the technique of everything from a touch down to a tip-off. He knows football, basket-ball, baseball, soccer, wrestling, boxing and fencing. He can tell you the athletes of all times, and as a coacb he should have no mean ability. I t is in scholarship that he showed up to the greatest advantage. He was really a student of the first rank. standing with the best in his chosen field of Walter proposes to be a teacher, and if we may be allowed to predict, he make a huge success. II
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