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P. 185
Girls, Inter ..Class Basketball F RIENDLY rivalry does much to promote good feeling amon s individuals So it is that the inter' class basketball games played by the girls or groups. point. during the past year aroused class spirit and kept it pitched at the highest Varsity players were ruled off of class teams. This rule hit the Sophs hard; but true sports as they are, they quickly fell to work and coached a team which was eventually victorious. Instead of playing by elimination, each class played each of the other classes, making a series of six intensely interesting games. The Sophs and Frosh played the first game. It was a snappy game through, out, with the big side of the score on the Sophs' side during most of the game. Both teams put up a stiff fight, much cheered by the peppy yelling from the bal- cony. "Smitty" starred for the Sophs. The final score was 19 to 13 in their favor. The junior-Senior game, which followed, resulted in a victory for the Se- niors. During the first half the game was close, but the Seniors pepped up and in the second half rolled up the score on the Juniors. Matthews and Smith played exceptionally good games, and brilliant shooting was the chief feature of the game. Excitement was added when Page Turner received a slight injury as her eye and someone's hand met at the wrong time. A good game, ending in a 26, to,17 score. The following week two more of the games were played, the Sophs and Juniors and Frosh and Seniors. Sophs and Frosh came out victorious in these struggles. There was much excitement over the Soph- Junior game, due to the persistency of both the players and their rooters. Some rather rough playing gave both teams several free shots, from which the Sophs profited most. AI, though the Sophs came out ahead, they met with some pretty stiff opposition from the Juniors. Score: 11 to 5. The Fresh-Senior game was the closest one played in the whole series. Neither team would give in, and the score was kept even throughout the game. When the whistle blew, the score stood 17 to 17. An additional five minutes gave the Frosh an opportunity to score five more points. Had the Juniors played as well in the preceding game as they did in their game with the Sophs, they would have claimed more victory for themselves. Captain Blocher, playing with an injured hand, starred for her team. But "Smitty's" guarding saved the day for the Sophs, who, after a hard tussle, held the big end of the score, 20 to 18. Sophs and Seniors closed the season of class games by a hard,fought game which ended in favor of the Sophs. Both teams displayed good teamwork, but shooting from the Sophs' side was more effective; perhaps, more lucky, for the Seniors' ball would roll round and round the rim of the basket, then drop on the outside. However, the game was most interesting; and the Sophs' cheers almost brought down the old balcony when the final score read 22 to 17. If nothing else were to be gained through clean, wholesome competition, cer- tainly the spirit of true sportsmanship is sometimes to be desired. This same spirit, cultivated and maintained among the classes, would result in a better spirit and attitude toward all phases of college life-a goal worth working for. [177]
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