Page 172 - YB1925_Classical
P. 172
SILLIN Sil is the big gun of the Terror team. Best bet on the AU-Maryland team, he is the most feared back in the State. He has a straight arm of steel, and hits like a ton of bricks. He al- ways comes up smiling-s-and he always plays clean. PERRY BYHAM Perry has held down the center job By is the captain of the Terrors, and on the All-Maryland for the last two the chief Terror himself. His power- years. He knows football from all ful physique and his thorough knowl- angles. His splendid work on the de- edge of football render his side of the fense and his consistent passing, to- line impregnable to the fiercest thrusts gether with his unerring detection of of enemy backs. He has the knack of opponents' tricks, explain the high sensing plays and the ability to mess honor conferred on him by the Sun. them up before they are executed. [ 164}
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