Page 156 - YB1925_Classical
P. 156
The History of the Class of 1928 T o the disinterested upper-classmen the date September 15, 1924, may have been merely the beginning of another college year, but to many individuals This it meant the beginning of what promised to be a great adventure. date saw many take an entirely new step in life-the experience that comes but once-that of entering college. On that date the class of '28 matriculated at Western Maryland College. This innocent and unsophisticated crowd survived the traps and pitfalls of the process of registering, and was finally assigned to regular work. The out-of- place feeling gradually gave way to the at-horne feeling. The class of '28 was getting acquainted. On the night of September 17, the class of '28 was led forth in a body to be formally introduced to the class of '27. After a very enjoyable, though somewhat confusing, evening of speeches, songs, and dancing, the party disbanded and the individuals returned to slumber. A few days after the Sophomore reception the class of '28 was presented with the Constitution and By-laws by which the conduct of its members would be modeled. Any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of these articles was promptly done away with by the obliging class of '27. As the days slipped by, the class of '28 became more organized and in a few weeks' time an entertainment was given by the class of '26 for the class of '28. This entertainment, however, was of a different nature-being a get-together party where the class of '28 might meet the members nf the class of '26. The next event of importance to the class of '28 was the Hallowe'en party. On that memorable night when spooks prowl and ghosts walk, the class of '28 was called upon to provide entertainment, and responded nobly. Each and every member of the class did his utmost to add to the festive occasion, and many were the original and witty acts which were carried off with great enthusiasm and success. But now comes one of the greatest and most important events in the class history-the Freshman-Sophomore football game. The rain fell for hours before the game; but, nevertheless, the students appeared on the field to lend support and encouragement to their favorite team. Through the slush and rain and mud and cold the team of the class of '28 battered its way to 6,to'O victory. As a result of this victory, the class of '27 showed its spirit and sportsmanship by dropping several of the laws governing the individuals of the class of '28. When spring came around, interest livened, for the inter-class basketball games were approaching. The Freshman class responded nobly, and in an extra' series game was nosed out for the championship. After these varied happenings, the affairs of the class of '28 quieted down. Peace once more descended upon its members and order reigned. The year was drawing to a close, and the history of the Freshman year of the class of '28 was ended. [14:)J
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