Page 150 - YB1925_Classical
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The History of the Class of 1927 I one hundred in number, composed the class of 1927. It was disclosed that Nthe fall of 1923 another class appeared upon the "Hill." The newcomers, the title of the class was "Freshman," and that only through the successful conquest of Knowledge could the class hope to receive a name with a higher mean' ing. "The Honorable Sophs" tried very hard to force the class into a humble position by their haughty attitude, but their efforts were in vain. Early in the year the timidity characteristic of all verdant Freshmen was banished by a Fresh, man Frisk, which the Junior class sponsored, on the old athletic field. This event introduced the class to the social life of the college. It was evident from the outset that the class of '27 was to be an athletic one. Six members of the class secured berths on the Varsity squad in their Freshman year. The class also found representation in basketball, baseball, and wrestling. The Girls' Varsity Basketball Squad was composed of six co-eds of the class of '27. In stressing the athletic side of life the students must not be overlooked. We have some mighty fine students among our number. In its keen interest in ath- letics the class has not forgotten the intellectual side of life. The class has ever kept to the fore the conquest of Knowledge. The class returned to Western Maryland College in the fall and immediately was organized into a united body. The first venture was the Hallowe'en party. On the eve of that night one saw the Gym looking more beautiful than ever before; Farmer Brown and his wife welcoming at the gate lads and lassies; goblins and ghosts peeping between the corn shocks; everyone entering into the joy of the occasion. It was acclaimed the most successful party ever staged within the-ex- perience of those present. The results of the class games do credit to the class of '27. It was not from lack of spirit or grit that '27's boys were twice defeated by six points on the grid, iron. Any onlooker from the sidelines of those muddy battles will vouch that a moral victory was due the losing team. For two years the feminine Basketeers have come forth from the class games with the laurels. They have, by their vic, tories, secured for the class the title of "Class Champions." . The class of '27 is represented in all worthy phases of college life. Her rnem- bers are found in athletics, Y. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A., and the Literary Societies. Throughout all her undertakings, class spirit has been the motive power which has regulated all the successes and failures of '27. It has strengthened her mem- bers when failing and spurred them on to even greater things in their successes. It has given them that vigor and determination which are necessary in all activi- ties. [142]
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