Page 130 - YB1925_Classical
P. 130
History of the Class of 1925 "Si historiam nostram requiris-ciTcumspice." K D it shall come to pass that a great gift shall be given unto .Western Maryland College; a gift worthy of the college upon which it is bestowed-and the Fates. that gift shall be the Class of 1925." Thus decreed It is true, the wisdom of that gift might have been doubted at first, for the hundred students who entered Western Maryland four short years ago were as unpromising a class of proverbially green freshmen as ever entered any halls of learning. But the Class of '25 soon proved their true worth. They had the right atti- tude; they were here to know and to learn; and they were willing to work. At once they plunged into the whirl of college life in which they have ever since been active. In athletics the present Seniors have excelled. During all four years they have been represented on the varsities or football, baseball, and basketball. To two of their men came the honors of being chosen captain and manager of foot- ball in their Junior year. For two successive years they had representatives on the All-Maryland team-a signal honor in itself. In the annual football contest between the Frosh and Sophs the Class of '25 achieved both times a tie score, with a moral victory. They boast, too, several stars on the Girls' Varsity Basket- ball-the best girls' team in the whole State. In the realm of oratory the members of this class have distinguished them- selves. They owe their start to the Friday afternoon' Smith Hall appearances. What agony that brings to mind! During their Sophomore year they obtained four of the six places on the society teams, both of which were led by Sophomores. The debating teams, the societies, the college at large>,will be at a loss to fill the places vacated by those men and women of '-25, who have so ably represented their college and societies, time and time again. We must not neglect to men- tion the College Players, for here we find true talent displayed. The Senior members of this group have most cleverly interpreted their roles in the amusing plays presented this past year. If the range of their extra-curricular activities has been wide, their intellec- tual achievements have included an even wider scope. Their literary pursuits have taken many forms. The first original play written by members of '25 was presented during the Commencement Week of their Freshman year. "Over the Great Divide" was a sketch contrasting a college of ancient Athens with a mod- ern college. In the same manner the members of this class have produced other [122]
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