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"~' :.. ' R. O. D. B. club was organized November 11, 1921. Organized may not be the best word to express the formation of the R. O. D. B., because it was not formed after careful planning of its charter members but by the spontaneous desire of fourteen kindred spirits to be bound together forever by the four letters- R. O. D. B. It so happened that prior to this eleventh day of November each one ,,. of these fourteen girls had been guilty of some slight refraction of campus rule, such as sending a K. O. B., or talking to the opposite sex outside of social hour; and as a result had been campused. Then dawned that day of peace to all and an armistice was made that set the fourteen free. To- gether they went out from under the campus bondage and together has 'been the slogan of the R. O. D. B.'s as the Alpha and Omega' of their college life. They have had many good times together on College Hill and when va- cation comes they always manage a house party either at the seashore or at the home of one of their members. Many have wondered what they will do when graduation separates them. Perhaps the-prophetess is right when she pictures them working and living together in one institution thruout their lives. The campus often rings with the refrain "And when at last we're dead and gone, To sail the fiery sea, We'll twist the devil by the tail and yell 'R. O. D. B'." ROLL CALL Atkinson, Agnes Harper Hollins, Lillian Rebecca Barnes, Drusilla Merrick Nutter, Ida Ruth Davis, Maria Bishop Parsons, Nellie Benson Duley, Edith Louise Price, Mildred Elizabeth Gardner, Margaret Cover Roberts, Ethel Virginia Hay, Helen Shirley Simpson, Mary Florene Holland, Dorothy E. A. Wenner, Margaret Carter Two Hundredand Eleven
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