Page 206 - YB1924
P. 206
r I I Inter Collegiate Oratorical ,.;, .. Contest 'J; Clifford Homer Richmond, fwice inter- collegiats contestant, and twice repre- sented his alma mater in a way that we will always feel justly proud of his achievement. In his Freshman year he established for himself the reputation of a public speaker which has followed him with increasing glory every year. WESTERN MARYLAND'S RECORD IN THE PAST CONTESTS 1899-Claud Cicero Douglas FrRST 1900-Harry Heffner Price FIRST 1901-George Hammond Meyers Second 1902-Gideaon Ireland Humphreys, FIRST 1904-Levin Irving Insley FIRST 1905-J ohn Michael Henry FI,RST 1906-J ohn Hunt Hendrickson FIRS'T 1907-George Frank Thomas FIRST 1909-John Samuel Turner Second 1910-Russell Vinton Lewis Second 1911-Carl Twigg Second 1912~Charles Herring Murray F'IRST 1914-Charles Wm. Wainwright.. ..FIRST 1915-Lester Alvin Twigg FIRST 1916-J ohn Lease Green FTRST 1917-Charles Ellsworth Moylan Second 1920-Milton M. Sommers FIRST 1921-Bryan Otwall LangralL FI'RST 1922-Randall Otho Stone Second 1924-Clifford Homer Richmond Second. One Hundred and Ninety-eight )
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