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world he propels his solid mass of flesh. Listen, "doubters," he is known , . . >r as the fastest man for his weight ever seen on a football field in Mary- '~ .. land; and when you see him head his mass of flesh into an enemy nne your doubts will be crushed as heavily and often as Cuneo does his adver~ saries. He is a fighting, hard-hitting tackle with a punch to back every move. TOZZIE-Guard fNlHIS small edition from Greensburg is held mighty dear in the hearts gmj of football fans, as well as the students and faculty of W. M. C. I ,.... "',,' ..-:-~ Abie's sturdy form was to be found at guard in all of the early games ., and it was while there that he proved a Gibraltar for the Terror's line: His pet epithet while in a game is: "Where do you think you are going • t- Big Boy," and it was with such spirit as manifested by these words that Abie proved a stumbling block to opposing lines. DUNCAN-Center fNlHIS super-man on the football field has earned himself a deserving gmj title, "Tite." And a fitting monicker it is to apply to such an ag- gressive center as Hall was. This title came from the fact that he has never been known to give quarter to any man on the field. Hall is the hardest-hitting, cleanest-tackling center ever produced at Western Maryland. This is said unqualifiedly and without exception. His saving of the Mt. St. Mary's game in the last few minutes of play by breaking through an almost impenetrable line to block a kick; his clean, fast tackling at all times are just a few attributes to his ability. But, he is more than this-he is all of this plus. WILLIAMS, EZ.-Guard fRlZ'S continuous playing throughout two football seasons bespeaks his ~ ability. Ez played all last season without injury. This season he was not quite so fortunate. One of these cock-fighters from Blue Ridge came down and walked on his shoulder before he knew it. He was back after missing one game, which goes to show that Ez is there with the stamina. When he makes up his mind to plow into a line, those enor- mous shoulders move his side of the line, and backwards. There is no doubt of it, Ez is a tower on offense and defense, a determined pillar to hammer against in vain. BYHAM-Tackle rnJAN too much be said of this two hundred and twenty pounds of fight- _ ing humanity? Absolutely not! Old "By" is the kind of football player that knows what to do and when to do it. As the Baltimore Sun says: "Byham is the type of football player that possesses a true foot- ball instinct, and all other things that go to make a real player." And the Sun backed this up by placing "By" on its All-Maryland Second Team. So much for the Sun. But the Baltimore American has a great deal more to say. This paper comes out with a full column picture of "By," claiming him, and justly, as the best tackle in the State. The American places him on their first All-Maryland team, and furthermore proclaims him as the one best bet for their team. Byham has been elected captain of next year's team, and that speaks enough of his ability and of the regard with which his teammates hold him. One Hundred and Seventy
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