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contributions to the Varsity Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Girls' Bas- ketball teams did much to further the good name of the college. The col- legiate honors- fell thick and fast upon our class, as is shown by the fact that the orator for the Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Contest was a Junior from this Class; that the Military Department chose some of its cadet officers, an un- precedented honor; and that the athletic medal for the best all-round athlete were all awarded to members of OUrclass. Reinforcements arrived in the form of new students and, when the gong sounded, sixty-five dignified Seniors sped down the home stretch to- ward the tape which, in this case, was made of sheepskin. On this final lap, athletes were in evidence and well did they represent us on all the Varsity teams of the several major sports. The ability of some of our number as editors came into the spot-light. We are especially proud of the editors of our Aloha, who have done so much to make it the supreme achievement of our work on the hill. We are now about to pass out into the great University of Life, which some call the University of Hard Knocks. With light hearts we face this last great University course, which has perhaps greater trials in store for us than any of us can imagine. Nevertheless, we hope to push on to a great end, to make the world just a little better by our having lived, and, at the end of the course, to pass the greatest of all examinations and receive our crowning diploma from the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. One Hundred and Tweniqj-f our
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