Page 55 - YB1923_Classical
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Rocky Ridge, Md ~Iajor-English Browning Y. \Y. C. A. Cabinet '21, '22, '23; 1.:. F. R. for Y. W. C. A '22; Aloha Staff; Vice-I 'resident Y. \V. C. ,\. '23; President of Browning Liter- ary Society '23; Honorable Men- tion '20, '21; Delegate to Eagles- mere '22; l-irst Prize in Stage .\10,1- cling Contest '23; One of Com- mittee of live picked fr0111 Field to prep,lre topics for sion at Eaqlesmere '22: Y A; G. S. G. A.; J. G. C; G. fl.; Frederick County Club Page FiilY-lbre~
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